Demolition Courses

Demolition Courses

If you have any intention on working with a demolition contractor or company, or if you think you may want to start up your own demolition business one day, then demolition courses are going to be required of you before starting. You simply cannot run such a dangerous business without the proper education and training that is required to execute a demolition properly and safely.

Topics Included Within Demolition Courses

Depending on where you take your demolition courses, which can be taken online or offline to meet the needs of students, the topics that you will learn could possibly vary, but for the most part will be the same as the information is the same throughout America in regards to what you should know in order to perform the demolition of a building or structure efficiently while keeping everyone and everything safe. Here are some topics that are likely to be learned in demolition courses:


  • Site preparation – This will cover what is required of preparing the site for demolition.
  • Engineering survey – This would pertain to a survey that is taken of the job site prior to the demolition taking place and is generally taken prior to any work being performed.
  • Utility location – This will cover how utilities affect a demolition site and what you should do.
  • Medical services and first aid – This will cover first aid tips and advice as well as other medical information related to a demolition site.
  • Fire prevention and protection – This will consist of learning ways to prevent fire in addition to protecting yourself from fire. This could include protective gear and information regarding explosives.
  • Explosives – This would cover everything there is know about explosives including safe blasting procedures, the storage and transportation of explosives as well as procedures to follow after blasting to ensure everyone’s safety throughout the entire use of explosives.

More Learning Topics

Aside from the above information, you will also learn about the different types of demolition as well as the requirements that go along with each one. You will learn about safety precautions for different structures and buildings as not every demolition job will be the same nor is every building the same. You will also learn any and all terminology that is often used on a demolition site or in regards to the demolition industry.

Safety is Top Concern

Demolition courses will teach new demolition contractors that safety is of primary concern at a demolition job site. Not only do you need to ensure that you and your workers are safe but the rest of the surrounding public and buildings that are not being demolished. It is important that you are aware of all OSHA regulations prior to doing any demolition work. In fact, it is recommended that you take an OSHA-approved demolition course or courses to ensure that you are fully knowledgeable about all the OSHA compliance laws to avoid time in court down the road.  These courses are provided and available across the country for interested parties.